Lively Epsilon is a plugin framework for Empty Epsilon(EE) that aims to fill the space with artificial life.

If you are into writing missions this framework might help you create an intriguing universe full of life that your crew will be eager to explore. You as a Game Master can focus on your plot lines without needing to entertain all stations at all times.

Think about flying through the galaxy and watching traders ship goods from one station to another, law-enforcement ships scanning ships, stations answering docking requests of NPCs or just two pilots having a chat through comms. There is a lot to explore in that galaxy.


There are multiple documentations available targeted at different target audiences:

  • The Guide is the document to start with if you want to get an overview of the framework and the features it offers. It contains lots of examples that you can copy for your own scenarios.

  • The API Reference describes the API of Lively Epsilon in more depth. It is automatically generated from docblocks in the source code and thus should typically be more up-to-date than the guide.

  • The Specification contains all Spec Tests that are run against the framework regularly. It describes which of the features of the framework are intentional and you might find one or the other hidden gem in there.

If you find anything that is wrong in here, missing documentation or typos, please open an Issue or a Pull Request.